Venezia 77

Festival del Cinema di Venezia: i 7 outfit più stravaganti del 2019!

In attesa del red carpet 2020, abbiamo deciso di rispolverare gli outfit più curiosi della scorsa edizione...

Festival del Cinema di Venezia: i 7 outfit più stravaganti del 2019!

Che la Mostra del Cinema sia un evento di risonanza internazionale è ovvio: tra red carpet e conferenza, giornalisti e appassionati di tutto il mondo fanno a gara per procurarsi un posto in prima fila. Per gli stilisti è spesso un'occasione ghiotta per vestire le celebrities e mostrare le nuove collezioni: peccato che non sempre le scelte si rivelino le più azzeccate. Lo scorso anno ne abbiamo viste delle belle e, in attesa delle prossime proposte, ripercorriamo insieme gli outfit più...curiosi, ecco.


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Violeta Mangrinan: the Spanish showgirl shows up on the red carpet with a dress with a dizzying neckline but not suitable for a similar context.

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Anna Safroncik in Alberta Ferretti: the Ukrainian actress (naturalized Italian!) wears a dress that certainly enhances her stunning physique but, even in this case, she has nothing elegant. Perhaps, the outfit was suitable for an evening in a trendy venue but certainly not for a red carpet ...

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Osvaldo Supino: the singer plays with a maxi skirt which, perhaps, is a bit ... too much

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Fotinì Peluso: the young actress shows off a look that is not suitable for her age which does not give her the freshness that one would expect ... too bad!

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Lady Gaga: the queen of excess could not fail to show off a unique look of its kind ... pity that, more than elegant, it seems a little lampshade...

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Elettra Lamborghini: too much.

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Stacy Martin: the French actress sports a decidedly original but perhaps too "old school" with her Chanel.

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